الاثنين، 26 أبريل 2010

Britain's Responsibility for the Jews' Holocaust and the German Guilt Complex

"My father, Mahmoud Khaleel Kassab Kiwan Mahameed, called "Abu Khaleel", born at the evacuated Palestinian Allajjon village, which is the biblical Ar Megiddon and the Canaanite Megiddon, who was a son of the "Kuttab" * headmaster and the "Imam" of the mosque there, got extremely angry and shouted, "Are we the Nazi Germans so that they treat us this way?" He said this when each of us put off his shoulders half a sack of olives onto the ground after we had carried them more than five kilometers which we had picked from our piece of land at "Um Al-Sanasel" which the citizens of Um Al-Fahem could regain in the 1970s from the State of Israel after it had expropriated it without any pretext. My father was very active in fighting for regaining it together with another piece of land called "Draihmeh". He was the vanguard of those landlords who followed him at night to plug the pine trees grown by the workers of the Jewish National Fund and the Administration of the Lands of Israel as a step towards expropriating it from the citizens for the benefit of the State.

The 80-year-old Najeeb Sadeq Jabareen who lived at "Allajon", has genuine love for his land and dreams of getting his grandchildren back to it said, "The most active in the Mahameed Quarter was your late father. Your father- May God have mercy on him- together with your uncle Muhammad. plugged the pine trees in "Draihmeh". They were very active. You inherited this land from your grandmother. From your grandfather Haj Khaleel you inherited only the "Ein Al-Zaytouneh" land…… I am talking about myself. I am very committed to land. On my waist I have an icon. I swore I am ready to starve and not to sell a hundred square metres. Collaborators informed the Military Governor of your father's activities, but he never cared. I knew him as a revolutionary nationalist. He took a group of the Mahameeds to "Draihmeh". After plugging the trees, they sat on the ground. Your father, the leader said to the men, "Those who want to go home may go home. I will stay here till the workers of the Administration of the Lands of Israel come in the morning and I will face them". The workers came in the morning and enquired about the plugged trees. He condemned their will to grow trees in his land and dismissed them."

This was the story of regaining our "Draihmeh" lands. The Jabareens, another "hamoula"* couldn't regain the neighboring Jabareens' land. They didn't have an "Abu Khaleel" like my father.

Soon after regaining our land, my father started taking me to grow it with olive trees.

We were overwhelmed with joy and pleasure for regaining these two pieces of land. My father's eyes shed tears when he planted a young olive tree singing or chanting some national piece of music trying to explain his love to land and homeland. Still, he got seriously angry when his eyes fell onto the flat plains of "Marj Ibn Amer" far extending into the far horizon between the Mountains of Nazareth and the Karmel Mount that over-views the Mediterranean Jineen and the mountains of "Allajon" which was being planted by the "kibutzeem" workers. His heart was filled with sorrow. His anger boiled and said, "Are we the Nazi Germans so that we receive such a treatment from a state of which we are citizens? Are we Hitler so that they expropriate our lands?"

Since then, I have been trying to form a meaning of those simple deep questions. Did my late father understand those complicated political relations in the 1960s? Since then, I have been looking for the deep secret that made the Palestinians lose their homeland. I found that the reason was that the atrocious holocaust that occurred to the Jews in Europe and implemented by the Nazi Germans and their allies was what caused them to harm the Palestinian People by expelling them from their own homeland. From the biblical "Ar Megiddon" which will forever accompany our perception, we go back to the first great sin of Adam when Eve, tempted by Satan, led us to God's punishment by throwing human beings onto this globe where our greeds conflict and fight so as to own it and control it. According to the Holy Quran, Adam, Our father had two sons (Qabeel and Habeel). Qabeel envied Habeel for God's Acceptance of Habeel's sheep sacrifice and refusing Qabeel's plant sacrifice and killed him. Thus we, human beings, are the children of a murderer. I emphasize that, according to the three Divine religions, we are the children of a murderer with all the significance this has on the Divine religions' believers. Have we asked ourselves if Qabeel's envy was what made us pay for the first great sin of Adam and for the murder of Habeel, being the children of a murderer? Is the aim of continuing our existence to look for a way of repentance and for clearing our sins?

Is the human existence to look for the ideological concept of repentance and clearing sins? This way, I can my understand my father who lost his lands and his homeland when he shouted, "Are we the Nazi Germans so that they treat us in such a way?" My father has, in fact, asked me to find a solution to the being chased complex which controls the Jews' minds and the to the guilt complex that controls the consciousness of the German People as a result of their Nazi ancestors' deeds. By doing so, I can offer this solution as a sacrifice to God so that we may put things again into their order and then regain the Allajon lands for whose losing my father got very angry. It ironically seems that humanity, all humanity, unfortunately needs more sacrifices or victims in order to rise in its thinking level up to the first sins of humanity. This need might have been achieved by killing six-million innocent Jews with the hands of an insane person called Hitler. The myth of the first creation and the story of Qabeel and Habeel may help us to answer the question: Why was there such a crazy man on our globe? If we don't understand this myth well and were dragged by the need to offer more sacrifices, we may free ourselves of the very hard mission of the prevention of repeating the circumstances that lead to his existence. Thus, we fail in our mission towards the victims first, towards ourselves second and towards the coming victims who we, the peace-seeking children of Qabeel and Habeel, will offer for regaining the lands of Allajon. We have to go back the beginning of the human history in order to conclude the whole human experience and to be able to explain what has happened and what the murder of six million innocent Jews, killed for just belonging to the Semite race , may resemble.

If the human race had started sinfully, if sacrifice had been the first human action for which blood had been shed and if our father, Qabeel had been a murderer, would this have had significance in the human consciousness of Jews, Christians and Moslems? Was the murder of six million Jews a sacrifice for the sins of our father Qabeel and the sins of our parents, Adam and Eve? What are the sacrifices that must be given so that the human mind may understand that giving sacrifices can not clear anyone's sins? Do we have to go back to the fight arenas of "Yaajouj" and "Maajouj" at Allajon which is the biblical "Ar Megiddon", at which my father was born and later got angry and shouted, "Are we the Nazi Germans so that they treat us this way?" Thus, humanity has to give answers to the question that was formed by A.B. Joshua," What are the roots of anti-Semitism that lead to massacring the Jews by Germany? The next question is "How will the Germans clear their sins?" The other next question is "Why has God chosen the Palestinians to pay their whole homeland for, and as a sacrifice for, clearing the sins of the Nazi Germans and giving refuge to the Jews who were chased by anti-Semitism? The fourth question is "How can the Holocaust not be repeated?

We need to go back to the beginning of evil accumulation in our world which reached its climax in murdering six million Jews on the European lands and which continues today as a tragedy for the Palestinian people who are scattered and divided into three parts: the first one as refugees an important part of which dwells in refugee camps, the second one suffers under the yoke of military occupation and the third stays in what has been left of their lands, trying to co-exist under the inequality state in Israel.

The beginnings of the evil accumulation might have been that some nations permitted themselves to capture other countries and establish empires. Here, I will not discuss the detailed history of the beginnings of occupation, but I would like to cite that the sin was part of the whole sins that have been committed in the history of the world. An example was the Macedonian Alexander who entitled himself to occupy several countries. Another example was the Romans who watched Cleopatra dragged hand-cuffed and foot-cuffed in the roads of Rome, the capital of civilization then. Another example was the occupations of Chenkis Khan in Asia and Building of the Great China Wall.

Those were the beginnings that has initiated the concept of occupation and colonization. But I think that modern evil was started the Portuguese and the Spanish colonization. Colonization reached its climax in the two World Wars and the murder of six million or even more of the Jews.

Therefore, We must go back to those circumstances in order to understand the reasons and to which world we are going and in order to prevent an action like the Holocaust from happening again against any nation on our globe. Not only this, but also to prevent any form of racism and inequality all over the world. Here, we must go back to the German sociologist Max Veber and his book "Protestant Ethics and the Soul of Capitalism" in whose analysis we find the potential symbols of fault in following the instructions of Martin Luther by the British people which, in my opinion, caused the Holocaust to the Jews.

There has never been greater than asking believers to worship God through their religious rites and to prepare themselves physically for meeting him in the best shape according to the way used by Martin Luther through raising the value of work to the level of sacredness. The same thing has also and previously been emphasized by the Holy Quran.

When the Germans indulged in following the Protestant ideology which called for hard work, they rose to a level of living equal to that of the British. But if we compared the economies of the two states, we would find that the German economy developed several steps more than the British one, taking into consideration that the British economy depended on colonizing other countries and stealing their resources. Here exactly, lies the secret of unbalance that aggregated the concepts of evil in the world.

Portugal was the first to create the colonization phenomenon. In 1415, it colonized the island of Ciota. In 1418, it colonized Mediera. 1588 might have been the crucial year in which the British Navy defeated the Spanish armada. Britain started colonizing other countries in 1579 when Francis Drake anchored in Bio-Britain or Nova Albion in North California. At its hateful colonization climax, in 1921 Britain had controlled about 500 million people and 37 million square Kilometers which is equal to one fourth of the world inhabitants and one third of the surface of our globe.

Some people think that Britain was great, but I think with its colonization, it was the meanest vice state. I am not saying this ridiculously, but as a result of the vision of the sequences of catastrophes that this colonization has left to the colonized nations and the European nations as well, when Europe was destroyed twice and reached the climax of tragedies by killing six million people in cold blood. This was the top of the colonial arrogance. We can't say that colonization has succeeded as a concept, because its consequences have been clear to everyone: the destruction of Europe and the holocaust of the Jews. This has showed the failure of the concept that was created by the West. It has showed the failure of the European's desire to control the world. It has showed the failure of the Versailles Summit, the Six-Pecos Accord and all the treaties that practiced stealing the wealth of the colonized nations.

The Germans started colonization lately, definitely in 1880, almost 300 years after the first British colonization. During these 300 years, the Germans practiced the hard work policy to get their livings and to rise up to a high level of industry, economy, administration and science, not the policy of utilizing the other nations wealth. Here lies the secret of the viciousness of the two World Wars where the human mind was put into a strange ethical and economical equation; one part of it was the value of hard work which is more useful and humanitarian which the German people have respected and the other part was the value of thefts that was adopted by the "civilized" British people through their Viking acts and stealing the wealth of the other colonized nations. The Germans had to employ much more multiplied effort in order to pay for the goods stolen by the British who got those goods for free and sold them for high prices so as to maintain a high level of living in their country, on the account of the Germans who worked hard to pay for those stolen goods. For clarification, we give this theoretical example: The German had to pay about 100 pounds for a ton of the Indian spices stolen from India. This money would count for the British economy, taking into consideration that the British hasn't paid more than 5 pounds for gaining this ton of spices…

… This meant that the Germans paid 95 dollars for the British Viking and Mafia thieves. Whereas, if there hadn't been colonization, the Indians could have sold the ton of spices to the Germans for 10 dollars. Thus, the Indians could have doubled their national income and the Germans could have reduced their production costs 90%. The Viking British gained too much money for starving, subjugating and killing people in the colonized countries. At the same time they made the Germans the economical cost of the British Viking acts through the British control over the sources of raw materials and selling those stolen materials for too much high prices that didn't reflect the real market prices. Thus we can confirm that, if there hadn't been colonization, there wouldn't have been a third world, there wouldn't have been two world wars, the Nazi Germans wouldn't have got control in their country and wouldn't have killed in cold blood six million innocent Jews. This equation could be resembled in what the famous British economist John Smith wrote in his book, "Nations Richness", in his description of the control of the Eastern Indian Company through which the British evil empire controlled the Indian economy, where he says, "The Indian Government that was formed of the partners of the Eastern Indian Company was the worst because the benefit of the Eastern Indian Company, as a political body controlling India, was that imported goods to India should be bought for the lowest prices and the goods exported from India should be sold for the highest prices. Where as, as a responsible government in India, It should have respected the Indian benefit, but this was, in its core, contradicting to its own benefit as a commercial company. I will continue to use India as an example of what colonization resembled to the world order, in the past and currently where the British colonization completely destroyed the Indian economy. For example Noam Chomsky says that the Bengal district was the most prosperous for its natural resources among which was cotton and was the first district occupied by the British, but it also was the first economically-destroyed one. Many scholars think that the British colonization was the basic cause of poverty spread in India where the goods produced in Britain were sold for low prices. This completely destroyed the Indian industry, especially the tissue industry which was the spine of the Indian industry then".

Even the British governor of India wrote in 1834, "Historically- unknown economical catastrophes are taking place here. The bones of cotton weavers of India whiten all the Indian lands." Nehru also wrote to his daughter, Andera Gandhi that the flow of the Indian goods that were exported from India and got gold and hard currency into it was reversed, the tissue industry has been destroyed and so has ship-making, metal, paper and glass production. So as to get the countryside market closer to the British goods, Railways and roads have been built to the extent that all the little industry in the isolated villages has been destroyed". The role of the hateful evil British colonization was essential in building the bases of the corrupted ethics and establishing the economical structure on Viking thefts among the colonizing states which paved the way to the two World Wars and later to the legislation of the Jewish holocaust in Germany and Europe. On April 13, 1919, About 20 Indians gathered to protest. A few of them attacked a British female teacher while passing one of the streets of Amrichar. The very civilized English General, Dyer ordered every Indian by-passer in that street to crawl on his four limbs and raise their hats to a statue that was especially put in that place. The same General ordered his soldiers to kill 379 civilian Indians (including children, women and old men) who were in front of their homes and hadn't known that this General had imposed curfew a few minutes earlier. More disgusting of this mentality, is that this vowed to do it again. Once, Adolph Hitler said that the British built gas ovens in Africa for killing Africans. This doesn't justify his brutal actions against the colonized nations and the innocent Jews in Europe, but it shows the source of inspiration that those brutal British colonial actions against the colonized nations had formed in Hitler's mentality. Not only this, but colonization, as an establishment and as a "civilization", together with what it resembles of a group of rules, laws legislations and ethics have allowed the powerful to steal from the weak, to cause his poverty and illness and even to kill him. This had previously legislated Hitler's brutal actions against the innocent Jews in Europe.

Civilizations took the path which the British colonial culture had gone through controlling one quarter of the world's population. This is what the "civilized" Britain wanted to teach to the other civilizations. It called India "the Crown" of the hateful British Empire. This crown was decorated with the sombols of the civilian Indian bodies. Here, I would suggest that they should add the Jewish Holocaust's pictures to be as an indicator for being directly responsible for causing the murder of the Jews. We can't forget that Britain dragged Germany to stand against the greatest human dilemma: to be or not to be. Should the German people accept the legislation of the thief ethics and the colonization of other nations or should they continue respecting the hard work ethics? Germany's response as a nation and a civilization that historically fought according to the ethics of hard work for gaining their living, was very violent through the two World Wars, when Germany which avoided for 300 years the ethics of thefts and political adultery legislated by Britain. Then, they realized that they had slipped to the ethics of thefts and colonization by working on building an over-seas empire, when in 1890 Caesar Wilhelm II dismissed Otto Von Bismarck who unified Germany and built its modern industry. If Germany hadn't done so, Britain could have occupied all Europe, including Germany. We also can't forget the killing of millions in the Congo by the great Belgium State, in Algiers by France and the other colonized nations. Those crimes established the bases and paved the roads for the military tanks and the gas ovens of the third Reich. This was because the "civilized" British people's minds then didn't have any bases of ethical values that could show them that their Viking actions and their behavior would lead to the eruption of two World Wars and to the annihilation of 100 million Europeans, the destruction of Europe and causing the unique Jewish Holocaust. Greed, Viking and the destruction of Europe in the First World War didn't qualify them to understand that colonization was and is the origin of all evils in the world. They were in need of another round resembled in the Second world war so as to see with their eyes massacres and shed blood, to smell the burnt bodies on the European lands and to enable their minds to understand that colonization is refused, dirty, hateful and a cause of pains of nations. This was crowned , not only with the Jews' Holocaust, but also with catastrophes to the European countries and to all the occupied nations. This also lead to the creation of hard circumstances in Germany which necessarily produced an evil creature like Hitler. Hitler, or anyone like him, couldn't have got the power if there hadn't been the restrictions imposed on Germany in the aftermath of the First World War. Who said that the First World War had been a must if there hadn't been the obstinacy of the British and if they didn't continue stealing the wealth of the other nations of the world? This is what we understand from reading Clauzovitsh's and Heart's theory about war: " The end of war does not limit the range of search for the goals of war. Warriors must take into consideration peace that will come after war. When a politician takes into his consideration the benefits of victory, he must also take into consideration the effect of the ethical and economical price he is supposed to pay in order to achieve this victory. He must also take into consideration the ways through which this victory plants the seeds for an additional next war." The sequences of the Second World War created the concept "down with colonization" in this world. Therefore, it wasn't a coincident that the colonized nations started sweeping Britain from their countries after the Second World War. Here, we understand the role of the New World Order when the Soviet Union and the United States after the Second World War swept the colonizers from the colonized countries. The Soviet Union practiced colonization through exporting revolutions which proved to be a failure. The peaceful fragmentation of the Soviet union was a result of the hard experience that humanity paid because of colonization. The fragmentation of the Soviet Union indicates that the human mind has conceived the ugly role played by the British with their stupidity then, when they chose to fight with all their power to maintain their dirty empire. Thus, we appreciate the Russian nation for their acceptance of fragmenting their colonies without having to wage bloody wars compared to the ugly barbarous British civilization. The circumstances that created colonization were the cause of the Second World War and were what created Hitler. Therefore, the racial principles adopted by colonizers as ethics and behavior lead to slaughtering the six million Jews and destroying all of Europe. Consequently, if any nation adopts the ethics and behavior of racism and discrimination, it will be doomed to be defeated, exactly like the pharaohs of Egypt, the Roman Empire, the British Empire and the Third Reich whose bad reputation leader, Hitler committed a suicide. Here, we go back to the first sin of our grandfather, Adam and to our envious killer father, Habeel whose sacrifice was refused by God, in order to ask , "What have we learned from the Holocaust?" The Holocaust has taught us a lesson:" Down with Racism, Discrimination, Colonization and Occupation ". It is not difficult for us to understand that the price of clearing the sins of colonization was paid by the whole European nations and by the Jews. Thus, the continuation of the occupation, whether in Palestine, Iraq or Afghanistan does not have any human credibility because the occupiers have no right to exist there, but since they are there practically, the colonizers must adopt the same principles of equality and human rights respect used at their home in order to sweep all the aspects of racism and discrimination in our world. As long as the American Occupation doesn't respect defending the human rights, we can not guarantee that what happened to Europe in the years 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 will not happen in, a way or another, to America itself.

During that period of colonization, all the colonizing states looked for satisfying their direct materialistic greed using their military forces and their control over the colonized nations. This is what lead to determine the features of the international order after the First World War when they agreed to distribute power among themselves. This is what lead to signing international agreements which determined various mandates that the Strong states gave to themselves without referring to the poor nations and asking them if they really desired such mandates. What has happened to those agreements and treaties? Have they been respected? Have they brought peace to Europe? Have they saved the interests of the strong nations? The answer is absolutely "No" if measured with the results resembled in destroying Europe and the Jews' Holocaust. What are they doing to us with the rest of their madness in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and all the Arab World? Why don't they understand the results of the two World Wars and the Jews' Holocaust? Where is Marshal's Plan for the Arab World that may prevent creating similar circumstances to those that brought Hitler to power? Hitler who suffered from psychic illnesses and personality complexes could get to power thanks to the genius British and French politicians who were too short-sighted in their political calculations to adopt a plan like Marsha's with the Germans after the First World war. On the contrary, they used the results of the war to get more direct benefits through imposing sanctions on the German People who could bring none to power but Hitler. Here, we revise what Clauzovitsh and Heart said about war: " The end of war does not limit the range of search for the goals of war. Warriors must take into consideration peace that will come after war. When a politician takes into his consideration the benefits of victory, he must also take into consideration the effect of the ethical and economical price he is supposed to pay in order to achieve this victory. He must also take into consideration the ways through which this victory plants the seeds for an additional next war." (Gat, Azer, There are Principles for Modern Military Ideology, Israeli Defense Ministry, 2000, PP 26-36). I think that the British politicians then are more responsible than the German People for the Holocaust in Europe because they were the legislators, while the Nazi Germans were the executors.

The British enjoyed gaining the benefits of their colonization, established the ethical principles of killing the weak calling these ethics "the top of human civilization development" and declared to all the world that this is the standard around which the world should form their dance rings. Thus, A fascist, like the psychologically-ill Hitler was born and learned from them their instructions. These sensible civilized people are not less responsible than Hitler and his gangs. This is the role of colonization. This is the responsibility of colonization, racism and occupation. These are the phenomena that we must fight. The guilt complex from which the German conscience suffers must be shared with that of the British who is historically as responsible as the Germans not only for the Jews Holocaust, but also for getting the world into two avoidable wars and for pushing all the third world countries to economical catastrophes after centuries of thefts. If the Germans weren't brave enough to ask the British to share responsibility for the Jews Holocaust, we, the Palestinian People who still , on account of their homeland, pays for the Nazi sins, would point the finger of accusation to the parents of the British People and ask their children to show the wisdom of their minds and the wake of their conscious in order to lessen, for the Germans and all humanity, the burdens of hard pains of blaming self-conscience. If the British don't do so, we will remember this behavior as we do with the behavior of the General Dyer who, in cold blood, killed the Indians to steal their wealth and still draws in the British hearts the principles of the ethics that lead to the killing of the six million innocent Jews. As for the German People, their humanistic duty in clearing their sins that will free them from guilt complex resulting from the historically-unique annihilation, it is not enough to have peace with the Jews because this will not take them up to the highness of the great German conscience and the German spirit that stayed away from colonizing other nations for 300 years until the 1880s, whereas other European states, headed by Britain, sucked the blood of the poor nations and stole their wealth. In order that the German spirit may reach the highness of the Protestant Christian spirit, they must show great repentance rising up to the holiness of the Jewish souls that were executed for no cause but belonging to the Semite Race. The uniqueness level of repentance is related the uniqueness level of the crime. Therefore, the Germans must rise to the human consciousness with a unique action that promotes the highness of the German spirit up to the level that proves that what the Nazi Germans did can no longer remain a shame to the pure spirit of the German People. In my opinion, as a man born on the land of Jesus, the land of the first of the two pilgrimage places and the third of the two holy shrines for Moslems, the land of Prophet Abraham and Moses, as a child of the nation of Prophet Mohammed, I think that clearing those sins will not be accepted neither by the human mind, by angles nor by God unless the German People do the following two steps:

First, They should start direct negotiations with the leaders whose countries were occupied and damaged by Germany so that Germany may give back the lands it illegally annexed to Germany. We know that Germany didn't occupy many countries and believe that it was pushed to direct colonization which, anyway, doesn't honor the Germans. Clearing the sins committed to the nations occupied by Germany, in the form of paying back what Germany stole from them then, will raise this nation in the minds of the world's nations to a level of a nation that understands its historical responsibility and will enable it to clear its conscience from the shameful actions against the oppressed nations. This will raise the level of clearing the sins to that of the holiness of the Jewish victims' souls and the atrocity of the catastrophes of humanity caused by the British. This will make the German People the leader of a historical judging of colonization, headed by the British. This is an event that humanity must start some day. Then, Britain will be pushed into the corner where it will be responsible for its role in creating the circumstances that lead to the Jews Holocaust. Will the British People be able to pay back the wealth stolen from their colonies that established the British richness? We know that the German people can do that. The economical and the technological development level at which the German People live, enables the specialized scholars to assess accurately the losses of the oppressed nations caused by the German colonization. This will not be difficult. At the same time, this compensation will raise the back-warded economy of those countries caused by colonization. This will be a declaration to all humanity that the German People is not only working hard on preventing actions like the total annihilation of the Jews, but also on preventing the creation of the circumstances and the ethical legislation of such actions. Thus the Arian high-spirited Germans will rise to a level that creates new humanistic concepts which can cope with the instructions of the three Divine religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and of the Prophets, Moses, Christ and Mohammed who came from the Semite Race.

Second, The Germans should start direct negotiations with the leaders of the Jewish People and the Palestinian People and declare Germany responsible for the catastrophes the Palestinians have gone through. Both the Jewish People and the Palestinian People suffer from a shock. They behave towards each other guided by the concepts created for the Jews by their holocaust and for the Palestinians by their expulsion from their homeland. There is no more powerful factor on the relation between the two peoples more than what Hitler did to the Jews. This got the two peoples into a dilemma that they can't solve because the both hide inside their consciousness catastrophes they haven't overcome yet. Here, comes the responsibility of the German People towards the Jews and the Palestinians. The German People is not entitled to leave the Palestinian People drown in a historical equation it is not responsible for. The Palestinian People, the Refugees People can't be responsible for what the Nazi Germans did. Leaving the Palestinian People who suffer from the shock of the expulsion with the Israelis who suffer from the shock of the Holocaust to fight each other is another form of continuing the Jews Holocaust. The Western World which was responsible for the Holocaust and did everything to secure Israel can simply take the burden of responsibility off the Palestinians' shoulders who had to deal with a people suffering the Holocaust. It will be sinful for the Western World to leave the Palestinian People and the Israelis fight without any great intervention like adopting a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Western dealing with the Palestinians in the same way of dealing with the Israelis is the only guarantee for securing the Israelis. If this doesn't happen, this will be a declaration of the world's wish to see the two peoples fight each other until death. Humanity is not in need of offering sacrifices to satisfy our desires of seeing bloodshed, because, in the end, not for this reason there were messengers like Moses, Christ and Mohammed.